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Looking for job? Here’s how to write a resume that AI will love.


With AI-powered job search platforms, games, and interviews, companies are increasingly relying on AI to streamline the hiring process. But some job seekers feel frustrated and confused about these technologies.

Malika Deveau is a student of the HOPE program, a non-profit organization in Brooklyn that provides professional education. Deveaux is looking for a job, and we asked her to take a practice 90-second personality test that assesses candidates on the Big Five personality traits.

Her results showed that she was pragmatic and light-hearted, but Deveaux disagreed with what the AI ​​read about her personality. And she found the test confusing. “I think [this test] It would make me lose the chance to get this position or the opportunity to finally prove myself, ”she says.

So how do you make the algorithms work in your favor when you apply for your next job?

In the latest installment of the MIT Technology Review podcast, In Machines We Trust, we asked career and job search experts for practical advice on how to succeed in an increasingly AI-driven job market.

Give up your usual resume advice. Instead of choosing a unique design or color scheme and including detailed job descriptions, focus on making them as simple and straightforward as possible, says Jan Siegel, co-founder and CEO of ZipRecruiter.

“Conventional wisdom will kill you looking for a job,” Siegel says. “You want the simplest, most boring resume template you can find. You want to write like a caveman in the shortest and clearest words. “

In most cases, when candidates apply for a job, Siegel said their resume is first processed by an automated candidate tracking system (ATS). To increase your chances of being interviewed, you must provide a resume that the AI ​​interprets accurately.

According to Siegel, use short, descriptive sentences to help the AI ​​parse your resume. List your skills clearly. If possible, include details of where you studied them and how long you used them, as well as license or certification numbers that prove your experience. “You want to be declarative and quantitative because the software is trying to figure out who you are and decide if you will be presented to the person,” he says.

And don’t be discouraged by applying for a job that requires more experience than yours, as long as you meet some of the requirements outlined in the job description.

“If you have any of these skills, I want you to apply them,” Siegel says. “Let the algorithms decide if you’re the right fit and they sort you up or down.”

Create multiple versions of your resume. Once you optimize your resume for AI, you may worry that you have damaged its flow and readability. So prepare another version for human testing, ”says Gracie Sargsyan, interim executive director of the NYU Career Center.

“Some students tell me, ‘I did what you guys told me to do. I made sure my resume was filled with keywords. And now it sounds like a stupid marketing document, ”says Sargsyan. She tells them to make another one, with a custom design and format, to email or pass on to hiring managers for a job interview.

You should also change your resume to reflect the description of each vacancy you apply for, says Sargsyan. Every job posting contains keywords that a potential ATS employer is likely to use to prioritize candidates. Pick a few that suit your experience and add them to your resume.


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